Terms of use

These terms of use apply when customers use products and services (including but not limited to the memberchat.app website) provided by LikePay Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”). In these terms, our website and other products and services are collectively referred to as “services.”

If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us at supasaito.com (hereinafter referred to as “our website”)


"Project Owner" - A service customer who registers an account, creates a project, and whose project ID is used to run member chats on a particular website.

"End User" - An authenticated user of the website on which Memberchat is installed and who uses Memberchat.

Legal basis and transparency

Justification of data processing activities

Our company justifies its activities processing your data on the basis of Article 6 1.a GDPR. "The data subject consents to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. This means that you and all Memberchat customers and end users agree that our service is a subject to our company's terms. It means that you are consenting to the processing of your data for the purposes described in the privacy policy and these terms.

What information is processed and who has access to it?

Purpose of information processing

Our company collects and processes your information in order to provide Memberchat services in a manner that is optimal for our customers and end users. In particular, we collect information to ensure that we perform the following functions:

  • Chat user identification
  • Identity verification
  • chat communication

What information do we collect?

Our company collects the following information about end users by automatically accessing data from authentication and membership services used by the website where Memberchat is installed:

  • email address
  • full name
  • Avatar (profile picture)
  • Message (including attached media files)

Currently, Memberchat works with the following user authentication/membership service providers: Memberstack.

Please visit the provider's website to find out more about how they collect and process your data.

Who can access your information?


As a Memberchat provider, our company has access to all collected data, but this access is limited to dedicated employees and executives.

Chat user

Your name and avatar will be shared with other Memberchat users to help you identify each other when communicating in chat. Your message will be shared with other users who are members of the chat room in which it was sent.

How do we protect your data?

Data encryption

Memberchat uses HTTPS, and data between your website and our servers is always encrypted.


Before displaying your message data, we authenticate you using your authentication/member service provider's token. This ensures that no one can use Memberchat on your behalf or view your message data unless you provide your authentication/membership service provider with your credentials.

Permission rules

Member Chat has strict rules regarding access privileges to user data.

About data deletion

We will delete user data at the request of the Memberchat project owner. Project owners can erase end users' data by sending a request at our website. End user data will be erased within 30 days of receiving the request from the project owner.

Data rights

Request and receive data

Customers and end users can request and receive information about their data stored on at our company's servies. You also have the right to know how long our company plans to store your information and why.

Customers and end users may request access to their data by sending a request to at our website.

Correct or update any inaccurate or incomplete information.

You may correct or update inaccurate or incomplete information by accessing your account.

End Users may correct inaccurate or incomplete information (limited to email, name, avatar) by updating their registered information in the authentication/membership services installed on the Website and integrated with Memberchat. can be modified or updated. The data will be automatically updated the next time the end user uses Memberchat.

Delete personal information

You may request deletion of your personal information at our website.

End users should request deletion of their personal data through a project owner request. Requests are promised to be completed within 30 days of our company's receipt of the request.

Ask us to stop processing your data

You can ask our company to stop processing your data by sending a request at our website.

End Users must request that their data be discontinued through a request from the Project Owner. Requests are promised to be fulfilled within 30 days of our company's receipt of the request.

Can receive data in a generally readable format

We are committed to providing our customers and end users with a copy of their data in CSV and spreadsheet formats, which are generally considered easier to read.

Object to our company processing your data

Customers and end users may object to the use of their personal information for direct marketing purposes by following the unsubscribe instructions included in such marketing messages.

Limitation of liability

Our company has no control over and is not responsible for the messages that End Users or Project Owners exchange (send) when using Memeberchat. Our company is not responsible for any consequences of End Users or Project Owners communicating using Memberchat.

Changes to the terms of use

We may change our terms of use from time to time. We encourage visitors to check this page frequently for changes to our terms of use. If you continue to use this service after changes to this terms of use, you are deemed to have agreed to the changes.

Last updated: 2024 Jan 20